>> Canary << missing Scenes Shoot

Finally we shot the postponed scenes and a few scenes additionally for the movie >Canary< which is to be published in 2025. Looking very much forward to see the entire movie. To create the Visuality for it with having the chance to realize this hudge studio built 2 1/2 floored villa in a believably realistic, slightly historical and at the same time cinematic UAE appearence was amazing.

Image Nation Abu Dhabi and Breakout Films, D: Majid Alansari | DP: Benjamin Kirk Nielsen | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

Netflix Series: >> Genie, make a wish <<

The > romantic K-Drama < was shot in Korea and Dubai and the mainly historical storyline spans over 2 millenia. Costume Supervisor with mainly focussing on planning and executing the Distressing-Process (patina, coloring, faux finishing etc.) with leading a wonderful Team was a gorgeous routine going back to my Art School painter roots.

P: Filmworks Dubai | D: Lee Beyong-heon | Costume Supervisor

>>End of the circle<< (feature film 2023/24)

Production design for a feature film about family structures, family history, and the interpretation of positioning in society from a female perspective.

Interesting challenge: each scene was shot as a sequence shot

D: Mareike Sophie Danisch | DP: Anselm Beiser | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

Middle east – finally…

…kickoff for the next movie. „Young Arab Cinema“ for Image Nation Abu Dhabi and Breakout Films, D: Majid Alansari | DP: Benjamin Kirk Nielsen | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

>> Holy Nightshift << Aldi Xmas TV Spot

Creating the Production Design for the 2022 Xmas Highlight Spot. The very narrative, touching and cinematic spot is more a shortfilm than a usual commercial (of which we shot also additional three spots with the wellknown animated carrot characters of Aldi). Shot in beautyful Warszaw together with 3 other more usual Commercials for Xmas Time it was a perfect challenge.

US Election Livestream

Livestream from the Berlin Spiegel.de Headquarter-Studio. The set is host for the weekly programs “Spitzengespräch” (politics) and “Spitzentitel” (literature).

Production Design: Benedikt Lange, Production: B. Denes, S. Christian, A. Martin for Spiegel.de

we-vs-corona Livestream

The first job for me personally to be cancelled due to corona crisis is ironically the >wir-gegen-corona< Livestream. The design was ready when the lockdown made the stream an entirely virtual meetingplace.

DOOM Eternal >DIY<

Get that: Nelson, Markey und Marcel Scorpion are the Doom-Slayer! 3 Social Media Clips for Bethesda

D: R.Böhringer | DP: D.Lobert | P: A.Lerner for Gingermedia | Productiondesign & Costumes: Benedikt Lange

Awww: The Netflix Awwwracle!

Cats predict the future of Netflix series 2020. 2019 was a year with plenty cliffhangers. > Will Nairobi survive? Can Jonas in DARK ward off the apocalypse? What will happen to Elevens Superpower? We ask the smartest future-tellers in the world: Cats <

Great fun for me and my team to design and realize the Cat Oracle that earned nice 500k clicks on youtube, facebook , Twitter and Instagram over the first three days.

D: V.Rothkirch, R.Maas | DP:A.Zimmermann | P: K.Poschner, F.Poppenk for Granny | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

Please note: No Animals were harmed in the making of this film 😉


>Ich find Schlager toll< is Universal Musics Top-Channel on german popular music. Stage Design for an Acoustic Set Live Concert and Stream.

Creator Loft S71

…play a hole @ Studio71 rooftop-terrace and chill, meet, stream or stay for a while in the Creator “Safehouse” at Cologne. W.i.p.

TOOM >Reward-Beer<

Check out Germany´s (the world´s?) first rewardbeer in the brew-and building history…

D: Th.Höret | DP: J.Lindemann | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

Verivox TVCs

Resumption of the Social-Media-Campaign in 3 TVCs: >Shit happens<

D: M.Mörtl | DP: K.Hofmann | Art & Animation: T.Thy, E.Deshusses | Art Direction & Character Design: Benedikt Lange

pullman hotels | wallpaper mag
>the global nomad city guide<

Directors Cut
D: Jaro Minne; DP: Krzysztof Trojnar; P: Somesuch London; Production Design & Styling: Benedikt Lange
The Global Nomad City Guide: Berlin Edition

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> Nowhere <

Goethe Institute Athens, Medienboard BB and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (GR) support this international shortfilm-production about the European migrant crisis.

D: Sotiris Palaskas; DP: Simon Sarketzis; P: Homemade Films(GR), Chromosom Film(GER); Production Design(GR): Crysa Serdari ; Costumes(GR): Milka Stojanovich, Production Design & Costumes (GER): Benedikt Lange

funk live
> the electoral residence <

24.09.2017, Live-Stream for funk (Ard/ZDF) on the evening of the 2017 German Election. To show the several rooms of the commune and create movement and variety over the long period of 4 hrs. my idea was to build a revolving stage with fix additional outdoor environment around the house. Great Fun!

#Deine Wahl
Live – YouTuber fragen Angela Merkel

Setdesign for Google/YouTube streaming a 75 min. Live-Interview with german Chancellor Angela Merkel before the german election Sept. 2017. As a reaction to the hudge media attention rival candidate Martin Schulz was also invited.

D: Manuel Schmitt | Broadcasting: Crosscast | Producer: Christian Meinberger | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

Netflix Germany (6TVCs)

6 TV Commercials for the Netflix Launch Campaign for Germany, Switzerland and Austria
D: Jesper Ericstam, Jesper Ohlsson | DP: Henrik Stenberg | P: Nora for Cobblestone | Production Designer : Benedikt Lange
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Axe “Peace” – LPT Special Bed-In

Production Design and Costumes for the (Action)Sequences filmed in Berlin. Teaser for an LPT-Special as part of the “Axe Peace” Campaign feat. Webstars like Gronkh, Sarazar, Budi, Simon and others…

D: Daniel Netschajew | DP: Mark Feuerstake | P: Studio 71 | Production Design/Costumes: Benedikt Lange
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Just in time for Xmas and 2014: The Art Directionary, a unique Sketch- and Notebook with Moods und Sketches by Production Designers. Initiated and edited by Munich based Production Designers Monika Nüchtern and Susanne Prieschl. Invited and represented in the Book are so to speak the “Who-is-Who” of german Production Designers for (Feature and) Commercial Films – and a few Underdogs (that´s to say Me…)

The Art-Directionary started off 2013 with Marco Bittner Rosser, Sebastian Krawinkel, Pan Patellis, Klaus Hartl, Benedikt Herforth, Dorle Bahlburg, Tommy Stark, Bader el Hindi, Sebastian Soukup, Monika Nüchtern, Susanne Prieschl and Benedikt Lange. The 2014 Issue presents even more Drawings and further Production Designers like Stephan Hingst, Colin Taplin, Bea Papiri, Malte Nitsche, Andreas Kleinmann and Flinn.

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Last Man Standing #2 Livestream

8 hrs Gaming-Show-Livestream on 2013-11-30. 1.5 Mio Views in the Livestream and 50.000 Tweets/hr (worldwide No.2 in Twitter-Trends) make the event the Worlds biggest Gaming Show Livestream.
D: Philip Gassmann | P: Studio 71 powered by ProsiebenSat.1Digital | Stage Design and Costume Design: Benedikt Lange
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2013: The Rise of Rock ‘n’ heim

Official Festival-Trailer for the new Rock and Pop Festival “The Rise of Rock´n´Heim taking place at famous Hockenheimring from 16th – 18th.08.2013. The very speedy spot is a cool adaption of the opening sequence “The Dawn of Men” in the film “2001: A Space Odyssey”, 1968 by Stanley Kubrick. And didn´t Rock´n´Roll indeed change the world?…

D: Joern Heitmann | DP: Bernd Wondollek | P: Gernot Jurisch Navarro for Katapult | Costume Design: Benedikt Lange
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In Preparation: LPT XXL

Stage- and Costumedesign for Studio 71/ProSiebenSat.1 digital with Gronkh, Sarazar und Sgt. Rumpel on 23.08.2013 in the big Let´s play together Special-Live-Event >> LPT-XXL<< auf der Gamescom 2013

R: Philip Gassmann | P: ProSiebenSat.1Digital | Stage- and Costumedesign: Benedikt Lange

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Deep Purple > Now What?! <

International Video Release on May, 17th  2013. Good fun for believers in nostalgia with historic drum kits, Vincent Price and Ian Paice!


D: Joern Heitmann | DP: Bernd Wondollek | P: Julietta Kunkel für Katapult | Production Design: Benedikt Lange

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> J-Mag < TV Studio

J-Mag = Live Japan-Anime-Cosplay-Manga-Magazin

Neben der inhaltlichen ist auch die visuelle Konzeption ein Prozeß – wie üblich. Leider nicht immer da zuende, wo der Szenenbildner das Optimum sieht (hier: ein Set, welches sich ständig verändert, komplett und in jeder Ecke bespiel- und bescribblebares ist, sich immer wieder erneuert durch die Zeichnungen, die Moderatorin und Gäste produzieren.



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Art-Directionary 2013

The Art Directionary is a Sketch- and Notebook with Moods und Sketches by Production Designers for Films and Commercials. Initiated and edited by Munich based Production Designers Monika Nüchtern and Susanne Prieschl the book features work by Marco Bittner Rosser, Sebastian Krawinkel, Pan Patellis, Klaus Hartl, Benedikt Herforth, Dorle Bahlburg, Tommy Stark, Bader el Hindi, Sebastian Soukup, Monika Nüchtern, Susanne Prieschl and Benedikt Lange.

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Max Raabe > Für Frauen …<

Max Raabe “Für Frauen ist das kein Problem” Musikvideo from Benedikt Lange on Vimeo.

> für Frauen ist das kein Problem < = for women it´s just nothing …to save singing men out of burning houses and still look gorgeous, sort out the make up, finish phone calls and manage to juggle half another dozen tasks at once.  All fire in the clip is real, everyone safe.

D: Baris Aladag | DP: Pascal Schmit | P: Fabian Heine for ErsteLiebe | Production Design: Benedikt Lange
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Caritas > Progress <

A very interesting Project to work on and quite different from the usual production design business.

D: N. Beyer | DP: M.Mieke | P: J. Wiesner for Cobblestone | PD: B. Lange

Red Dot Design Award 2012 – Grand Prix TV|Cinema, Eurobest – Bronze, Cresta Intl. Awards – Visual Effects: Gold, ADC – Auszeichnung, Cannes Lions – 2x Shortlist, Spotlight – Bronze, Klappe – 2x Bronze
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